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Here is the text to the song by Cordier

French text
Belle, bonne, sage, plaisante et gente,
A ce jour cy que l'an se renouvelle,
Vous fais le don d'une chanson nouvelle
Dedans mon cuer qui a vous se presente.

De recevoir ce don ne soyés lente,
Je vous suppli, ma doulce damoyselle;

(Belle, bonne, sage...)
Car tant vous aim qu'aillours n'ay mon entente,
Et sy scay que vous estes seulle celle
Qui fame avés que chascun vous appelle:
Flour de beauté sur toutes excellente.

(Belle, bonne, sage...) 

English translation
Lovely, good, wise, gentle and noble one,
On this day that the year becomes new
I make you a gift of a new song
Within my heart, which presents itself to you.

Do not be reluctant to accept this gift,
I beg you, my sweet damsel;

(Lovely, good, wise...)
For I love you so well that I have no other purpose,
And know well that you alone are she
Who is famous for being called by all:
Flower of beauty, excellent above all others.

(Lovely, good, wise...)


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