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A Q.uite R.efreshing cycle ride

Today I cycled down the Tyne from Wylam to the Quayside with some of my Year 7 students who will make up the logistics team for the upcoming Tyne Project.

We aimed to a few things with the journey:

  1. To gather stories, pictures and videos to stimulate peers
  2. To model some of the tasks that students will complete when they are 'in situ' on the Tyne
  3. To place QR codes on the route so that anyone with a smartphone can scan the code and link to the art that our students will create.

1) Part of the project will involve students contemplating how the Tyne is important to them. Students will be encouraged to speak to their relatives to get some idea of the generational heritage of which perhaps they were unaware. Their interest may come from something they discover on the first day of project where all students will have a trip to various locations along the Tyne.

2) Today students used a writing frame adapted from one shared by Rob Riordan (Emperor of Rigour - High Tech High) to reflect, observe and describe whilst on the Tyne. (Thanks also to Jane Arthur for the simplfied version). They also were encouraged to be curious and ask as many questions as possible whenever something struck their interest, preferably questions that I or my Dad could not answer (thanks for the bike repairs Dad). My favourite question of the day was an ernestly asked: "Why would someone wnat to burn down Dunston Staithes?" qualified with "They're mint!"

3) My students have now placed six codes and more will be placed on the first dasy of the project on Monday 13th June. These students will also talk to students about their cycle ride at the launch assembly this Thursday.

Examples of student reflections using the writing frame:


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